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Privacy notice

Who are we?
We are GiB Enterprises Ltd., a family of creative and consultancy brands and partners including Compixl, DarkScorpio Media & Marketing, Verbl and Motorsport4free


Our Address:
71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden

Company registration number:

ICO certification number:

Why do we collect and use your personal information?

  • We collect and use your personal information in order for us to process the purchase of our products or services and/or to provide you with relevant information through traditional marketing means including email

  • We use your personal information to send marketing communications to you about relevant products and services that may be of interest to you. We will send our marketing communications to you by email. You can object to your personal information being used by us to send you marketing information.

  • Marketing emails will include an unsubscribe link to enable you to opt-out of receiving future marketing communications

What personal data do we collect?
For the purposes of delivering products and services across the entire GiB Enterprises family or trading styles and brands, we may collect the following data:

  • Names

  • Business Names

  • Physical addresses

  • Email addresses

  • Date of Birth

  • Telephone/mobile number

  • Social media URLs

  • Images & video containing faces

How is personal data obtained?
GiB Enterprises Ltd. and its trading styles/brands obtains personal information via submitted forms found across its websites, and/or at events that GiB Enterprises Ltd. and its trading styles/brands attend to deliver or advertise products and services

Storage of personal data
All personal data is stored securely either on servers/drives owned and operated by GiB Enterprises Ltd. at its place of business, within the Wix website architecture or on the servers of GiB Enterprises Ltd.’s email providers (Gmail)

Who will we share your personal information with?

  • We will not share your personal information with 3rd parties outside of GiB Enterprises Ltd., its trading styles/brands and partners.

  • We may retain your details on file for audit trail and record backup record purposes all which meet the ICO’s recommended guidelines

  • We will share personal information with the authorities on legal grounds only

  • We will not sell or share your personal information with anyone else

Rights in relation to personal information?

  • Right To Access: The right to request copies of the personal information GiB Enterprises Ltd. and its trading styles/brands hold about you at any time

  • Right To Rectification: The right to request that we correct any inaccurate personal information we hold about you

  • Right To Erasure: The right to request that we delete your personal information from our records

    • We will not be able to delete your personal information whilst we are still providing our services to you. We will be able to delete your personal information once the service is completed or the product has been received

  • Right to Restrict Processing: The right to request that we restrict how we use your personal information

  • Right To Object: The right to object to the collection and use of your personal information at any time

  • Right to Data Portability: The right to obtain a copy of your personal information in a legible and compatible format such as Excel or Word securely sent digitally with encryption software

How long does GiB Enterprises Ltd. and its trading styles/brands keep personal data for?

  • Personal data will obviously be retained in order to provide products and services during the preparation, purchase and delivery stages.

  • The ICO mandates that personal data is not kept by an organisation for any longer than is necessary. GiB Enterprises Ltd and its trading styles/brands aims to renew consent for storage of personal data every 24 months via email reminder.

How to exercise rights in relation to personal information?
You can exercise all of your rights by contacting us via email on

How do I lodge a complaint about the use of my personal information?

  • You can lodge a complaint with us directly by contacting us on one of the above contact details.

  • You also have the right to lodge a complaint directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO are the regulator who makes sure that we use your personal information in a lawful way.

  • You can lodge a complaint with the ICO by following this link or calling the ICO

Collection of consent
Consent for collection & use of your details is given by you through the action of making contact or enquiring with GiB Enterprises Ltd., its trading styles/brands or its partners in relation to our services and or products.

Date of last update: October 2023

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